Aidan Pine

Linguist & Developer
Good afternoon!

My name is Aidan Pine. I'm a settler of European ancestry born in Victoria, B.C. and I developed this site in order to bring together the various language revitalization and open-source software projects that I am involved in.

I fell in love with language revitalization work as a way of combining my interests in language, linguistics, anti-colonial/decolonial methodologies, and computer science.

I am a full-time researcher at the Canadian National Research Council, where I am currently technical lead for the Speech Generation for Indigenous Language Education project. I am also the founder and lead developer of Mother Tongues, and former technology consultant for the First Peoples' Cultural Council, and the University of British Columbia.


Below are some guest lectures, workshops and other presentations I have given. The list is scrollable.

Title Location Presenters Type Year
Language Revitalization & Speech Technology Knowledge, Information and Technology Services (KITS)
Pine, A. Talk 2023
Language Revitalization & Speech Technology ASTU 402 Living Language: Science & Society Guest Lecture
Virtual (University of British Columbia)
Pine, A. Lecture 2023
Interactive Storytelling & Practical Zero-Shot Text-Speech Alignment using ReadAlong-Studio Lanfrica Talk Series
Virtual (Masakhane)
Littell, P.
Pine, A.
Talk 2023
“Watch me Speak!” Interactive Storytelling using ReadAlong-Studio Linguistics Department
Virtual (University of California Santa Barbara)
Pine, A. Talk 2023
“Watch me Speak!” Interactive Storytelling using ReadAlong-Studio ICLDC 2023: Centering Justice in Language Work
Virtual (University of Hawai'i)
Pine, A.
Huggins-Daines, D.
Joanis, E.
Littell, P.
Tessier, M.
Torkornoo, D.
Workshop 2022
“Watch me Speak!” Interactive Storytelling using ReadAlong-Studio Community Workshop for Indigenous Language Technology (CWILTs Series)
Virtual (National Research Council)
Pine, A.
Huggins-Daines, D.
Joanis, E.
Littell, P.
Tessier, M.
Torkornoo, D.
Workshop 2022
Developing Speech & Language Technologies for Indigenous Language Revitalization Domain Adaptation Group
University of Toronto
Pine, A. Talk 2022
Requirements and Motivations of Low-Resource Speech Synthesis for Language Revitalization Centre for Speech Technology Research
Pine, A. Talk 2022
Gᵢ2Pᵢ: Rule-based, index-preserving grapheme-to-phoneme transformations ComputEL-5
Pine, A. Talk 2022
Requirements and Motivations of Low-Resource Speech Synthesis for Language Revitalization Best Papers Award Session Plenary at ACL 2022
Pine, A. Talk 2022
Speech Technology & Language Reclamation FNEL 180
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2022
Low Resource Speech Synthesis NLP Seminar
National Research Council Canada
Pine, A. Talk 2021
G2P (grapheme-to-phoneme) the 'what', 'so what', and 'now what' Continual Workshops in Indigenous Language Technology (CWILTs)
Pine, A. Talk 2020
Language Revitalization & Technology ASTU 402
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2020
Lexicography, Language Revitalization & Mother Tongues Dictionaries FNEL 382
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2020
Language Technology & Language Reclamation FNEL 180
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2020
Readalongs: Automatic alignment of speech and text for Indigenous language audiobooks 52nd Algonquian Conference
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Huggins-Daines, D.
Littell, P.
Pine, A.
Joanis, E.
Talk 2020
Developing technology to support Indigenous language revitalization in Canada Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR)
University of Edinburgh
Pine, A. Talk 2019
Canadian National Research Council's Indigenous Language Technology Project International Conference on Language Technologies for All
Pine, A.
Brinklow, N.
Souter, H.
Lothian, D.
Poster 2019
ReadAlong Studio: Zero-shot Text/Speech Alignment for Indigenous Language Audiobooks Ottawa AI
NRC Sussex, Ottawa
Daines, D.
Littell, P.
Pine, A.
Joanis, E.
Torkornoo, D.
System demonstration 2019
Supplementing text-based Indigenous language applications with synthetic speech Ottawa AI
NRC Sussex, Ottawa
Pine, A.
Kazantseva, A.
Poster 2019
Kawennón:nis the Word Maker for Kanyen'kéha Kanyenn'kéha Mohawk Class
Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na, Tyendinaga
Pine, A. Talk 2019
Kawennón:nis the Word Maker for Kanyen'kéha Kanyen'kéha Mohawk 101R
Renison University College at University of Waterloo
Pine, A. Lecture 2019
Language Revitalization & Technology ASTU 402 - Living Language: Science & Society
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2019
Language Revitalization, technology, and making the most of your undergraduate experience FNEL 180
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2019
Language Revitalization & the Role of Technology Nerd Nite YYJ
Victoria Event Centre
Pine, A. Talk 2019
UBC Alumni Panel 50th Anniversay of the UBC Linguistics Department
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Panel discussion 2019
Mohawk O'Clock: Limited Domain Speech Synthesis in Kanyen'kéha ICLDC 6
University of Hawaii
Pine, A.
Littell, P.
Maracle, R.
Technology showcase 2019
Kawennón:nis: An Online Tool for Learning Verbal Morphology in Kanyen'kéha ICLDC 6
University of Hawaii
Kazantseva, A.
Brant, R.
Maracle, O.
Maracle, R.
Pine, A.
Technology showcase 2019
Digital Kinesthetic Learning and the Gitksan Pronominal Paradigm ICLDC 6
University of Hawaii
Pine, A. Presentation 2019
How to Make a 'Mother Tongues' Digital Dictionary ICLDC 6
University of Hawaii
Pine, A.
Turin, M.
Workshop 2019
An Introduction to Gitksan Research LING 372 Guest Lecture
University of Victoria
Pine, A. Lecture 2018
Developing Digital Tools for Language Revitalization: Demystifying Coding, Apps, and Web Platforms National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics
Tokyo, Japan
Pine, A.
Turin, M.
Workshop 2018
Developing Digital Tools for Language Revitalization: Demystifying Coding, Apps, and Web Platforms CoLang
University of Florida
Pine, A.
Turin, M.
Workshop 2018
Kawennón:nis: The Wordmaker for Kanyén'keha Onkwawenna Kentyohkwa Immersion School
Ohsweken, Ontario
Kazantseva, A.
Pine, A.
Presentation 2018
Seeing the Heiltsuk Orthography from Font Encoding to Unicode: A Case Study Using Convertextract Conference on Collaboration and Computing of Under Resourced Languages
Miyazaki, Japan
Pine, A. Conference 2018
Ama silkw sa Gitksan Elders Meeting
Gitksan Elder's Center. Gitanmaax, B.C
Pine, A. Presentation 2018
A multi-dialectal Ayajuthem talking dictionary
Sliammon, B.C
Pine, A. Presentation 2018
An Introduction to Gitksan Research LING 372 Guest Lecture
University of Victoria
Pine, A. Lecture 2018
Digital Kinesthetic Learning and the Gitksan Pronominal Paradigm Research in Indigenous Languages and Linguistics
University of Victoria
Pine, A. Presentation 2018
Practical Phonetics Adult Gitxsan Class
Gitsegukla, & Terrace, B.C
Pine, A. Lecture 2018
Practical Phonetics Adult Gitxsan Class
Gitanmaax, B.C
Pine, A. Lecture 2017
A visual presentation with Aidan Pine: The possibilities of our new app Ayajuthem language conference
Sliammon, B.C
Pine, A. Conference 2017
Sim ayeehl k'uuhl FNEL 180 Guest Lecture
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2017
Ama silkw sa Gitksan Elders Meeting
Gitksan Elder's Center. Gitanmaax, B.C
Pine, A. Presentation 2017
Dim liseewis Xsiwis g̲ant Sginist wil wihl hahlaalst sit'aadiit Gitksan Language Symposium
Gitksan Wet'suwet'en Education Society. Hazelton, B.C.
Smith, J.
Pine, A.
Conference 2017
Lexicography for Endangered Languages FNEL 382 Guest Lecture
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2017
Mobile App Development BC Breath of Life Institute
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Workshop 2017
Introducing Waldayu & Waldayu Mobile ComputEL-2: The 2nd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages
University of Hawaii
Pine, A. Conference 2017
Making the most of undergraduate research FNEL 180 Guest Lecture
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2016
Mobilizing Language Data: An Endangered Language Dictionary App Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Conference 2016
'Nit gwihl Jabisi'm FNEL 180 Guest Lecture
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Lecture 2015
Connecting Linguistics to Language Learners: a Lesson Plan for Gitksan Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Conference 2015
Preferential Encliticization in Gitksan Linguistics Department
University of British Columbia
Pine, A. Presentation 2014
Quantifier Scope in Gitksan Gitksan Research Group Research Seminar
University of British Columbia
Barois, M.
Bicevskis, K.
Cheng, K.
Pine, A.
Presentation 2014
This site

There were a lot of really cool CV templates and things out there, but I ended up building my own because I wanted something that was:

a) static, so I could host for free on GitHub Pages
b) able to generate LaTeX
c) pulled from simple markup like yaml

So, I wrote my CV data in yaml, and use Flask, Frozen-Flask, Jinja2, Skeleton and Fabric to generate a static site and LaTeX CV. I host for free on GitHub, use Cloudflare for free SSL and Mailgun for free email. I slapped an MIT license on the code, so if you think it would be useful to you, go for it!

Update: Waaaay back in the day, like 3 years ago (🤦) Jamstack was really only just starting to gain popularity, and so building a custom static-site generator like this seemed reasonable. If I was starting now, I probably wouldn't build this site this way. I'd probably use something like Hugo instead.


GitHub: @roedoejet